Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Walk the Line....

Enlongated cuts and large stripe monochrome completes a streamline sensibility.

I wore this simple but beautiful outfit to work yesterday. It's Ramdan and I'm observing it. I hope to finish all Insah Allah. 

Get complete outfit from Summer TRENDZ! 


  1. I could jump up and down for this outfit!!! Very lovely + I love that you always post.

  2. Ramadan kareem Ella! I like dat u r not an extremist joor.

  3. so u only cover ur head during ramadan period? I'm getting u...nice outfit tho.

  4. BABES i thought ur xtian nd ur name is emmanuella,pls clear my doubts,ur always on point

  5. Ellababy always gorgeous,errrm a muslim wit a christian name?oh well!


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